Category: Consciousness Exploration
Being in the flow
This week we had Robin Neeley take the helm and lead us by staying in the flow. We all chipped in with the energy of the day and Robin added her intuitive knowingness. It is great to get together as a group and just let it flow, hold space for each other and share. No…
The great remembering – we are creating a brand new world
Great zoom today with the lovely Iryna Eysmont, a teacher of the Drunvalo Melchizedek ‘The School of Remembering’ talking about the great remembering. Iryna led us through her experiences about her personal remembering and the work with the illuminated heart beyond duality. Unconditional love is not just a fad but our birth right and legacy.…
Thanksgiving – giving thanks
Perfect timing for gratitude and cultivating a great attitude towards being thankful for the harvest of the last two years and the way forwards. Intimate group setting exploring the current energies, simplicity and all kinds of levels of awareness. In celebration of all our victories we give thanks to what is occurring right now and…
Nov eclipse & future treatment for winter solstice
Powerful Full moon in Taurus and Lunar Eclipse energies inviting us to meditate and use the energies to create in the now for the future. Winter Solstice future treatment with focus on receiving and working with the five elements. Great teamwork all. Thank you for reading the healing meditation together. Making today count and shaping…
Mind outside matter
Another fun exploration this time into mind outside of matter & meaning. Creating matter from a place of ease & joy.
Living the life you were born to live by Dan Millman
Today we explored some of our birth numbers looking at the book ‘The life you were born to live’ by Dan Millman’. A lovely gem of reference when seeking inspiration, ideas and suggestions to move towards ease, joy & fulfilment. ‘What lies before us and what lies behind us are small matters compared to what…
Grounding the light in the 8th colour of time
This week we had the lovely Tanya Corona lead us into an amazing energy chakra grounding meditation. Together we explored grounding in the 8th colour of time and how as sovereign celestial beings practicing daily self-mastery we can adapt, ground and manifest to the new energies. Tanya Corona, an expert in energy field mechanics, shared…