Category: Consciousness Exploration

  • Warrior of the 21st century

    We are all true warriors indeed powering through these consciousness explorations. As if by magic we managed to synchronise today’s warrior zoom with the day being the Yellow Cosmic Warrior as per the Mayan Calendar. Great lively discussion about the characteristics of a warrior and the new archetype of the master taking us forward…

  • Drumming with Robin Neeley

    Welcome to another weekly zoom! This week we had Robin Neeley introduce us to some of her drumming experiences and we all had a go connecting through the magic of sound. To get a hold of Robin Neeley:Alliance of Divine LoveEmail

  • The mixed bag of duality and singularity

    Today’s exploration led us through various subject matters playing with dreamtime, the finite and infinite I am journey etc inspired by Elliott’s drawing about dreamtime technology.

  • Words, energy & communication

    This week we had Amy Kruzic inspire the topic and co-host it with us. Thank you Amy for your contribution, very well received and appreciated by all. A lot of different avenues have been explored with the energy of words and communication and lots of awareness raised around the topic.

  • Pain

    The many values of the intensity we call pain. From catalyst for growth to acknowledging pain for what it is in the moment. What have we learned pain to be? Is it really an inherent quality of life? A subjective experience, what do we make pain mean to us? …. Many questions we asked with…

  • Getting out of one’s comfort zone

    Another expansive exploration today on the topic of Comfort/Discomfort zones. The basis of comfort & discomfort versus thrival as a conscious being of choice.

  • Fun

    What was, is and will be fun for you? A very grounded and light exploration into the energy of fun! Great contributions from all participants to inspire more fun into our lives. This week’s zoom Challenge: If you could not be judged by yourself, anyone else other anything else what would you choose that you…